- Today Bethany, our roommate and the first student Oky ever had live with her (she arrived in January), left to head home to Ohio. She finished up her student teaching on Wednesday and heads home to graduate. It was so bittersweet to see her go. We were excited for her to be done with college and go home to her family and fiance, but it was sad to see a fifth of our little Costa Rican family leave. It will be strange without her here! We celebrated her going-away by going out to eat last night at the Inka Grill, a Peruvian restaurant in Escazu. It was delicious! (and quite expensive, but definitely worth it). This is a picture of Oky (in the middle), Oky's daughter and husband (Gigi and David - on each end), and us girls (Bethany is to the right of Oky). It was a fun night! Today we got to take a little break from school to go with Bethany to the airport. It was great to see her off and we're all praying she arrives home safely!
- Earlier last week we had a professional development half-day at school. The students left at noon and the teachers' meetings went from 1:00-4:30. During the noon hour, students' parents had a pot-luck style meal for the teachers! There was everything from salads to lasagnas, fresh fruit to delictable desserts. And I can say that this was the first pot-luck I've been to (and I've been to my share!) that has had sushi!! Several of the parents own various ethnic restaurants in the area, so I'm assuming it was their contribution to the meal. Not only was there amazing food, but each teacher was presented with flowers as well! (Only grade level teachers...apparently teaching them English isn't all that important... :P)
- This past week was Art Week and Thursday was Earth Day. The school celebrated with art pieces all over the school. Each class decorated their door and on Thursday we had a Green Parade put on by the preschool and kindergarten classes. They held up whiteboard signs (not paper signs which would have been wasteful) about saving the Earth and recycling and wore sashes made of recycled products. This picture shows some of the art displayed at the school. See how open the hallways are? Crazy!
- Throughout the past two weeks, us girls have escorted three Gary-wanna-be's from our house. (If you're not sure who Gary is, you should read earlier blog posts...he's our local live-in gecko) These Gary impersonators were found eerily close to my roommate's rooms or even inside their room in one instance; however, using the technical shopping bag/shoe box approach, each was delicately placed outside to roam free. While using this approach, we did discover, unfortunately, that geckos are able to jump at least six inches high (which appears to be the standard height for a shoebox). Their presence in the house is appreciated because of their menu choice, but they run SOOO fast that they quickly give off an ominous vibe, even though they're only a 2-3 inches long.
Because the rainy season is quickly approaching, the bicho (bug in Spanish) group in our home is growing. We've had several "May bugs" as Oky calls them, which have the diameter of a quarter and fly really fast. They make the noise of a herd of mosquitoes and are very attracted to light (or so we have learned). Within one 10 minute block, we (Oky) killed 6 of them in our living room as each one divebombed my roommate and I watching TV. From now on, we're suffering through the heat with the windows closed!
Don't be alarmed...I can still hear the real Gary in the patio by my room each night screaming/laughing just to let me know he's still there eating bugs. Which I appreciate more than I can tell him.
And last, but not least...
Geoff and I are homeowners!! The picture below is our new house in Waterloo, Iowa, that we closed on April 20. (Actually Geoff was the only one at the closing and he had to sign my name for me, but nonetheless...) Both of our moms (who are AWESOME, by the way!) not only drove the three hours from Spencer to see the house, but stayed for a few days to help clean it and pack up our things! THANK YOU MOMS!!!! I can't tell you how appreciative we are for all your help!
Just one month until I'm home again. It's amazing how time flies. I hope you are all enjoying the spring and the close of winter. I look forward to seeing you soon! Love you!
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